
The “What’s In It For Me?” Guide to Intelligent Automation

The average hospital spends more than half of their budget on staffing. Despite this enormous cost, many healthcare organizations haven’t optimized their workforce management processes, instead relying on tedious manual methods to manage their most important resource. This problem isn’t limited to healthcare; industries everywhere are reliant on their staff. What can be done by employers to improve their staffing and scheduling processes?

Our new eBook, “The ‘What’s In it For Me?’ Guide to Intelligent Automation”, breaks down Andgo’s benefits for specific roles within an organization. From human resources, to finance, to schedulers & employees, our eBook dives into the countless ways Andgo’s Intelligent Automation Suite can help your organization succeed.

Intelligent Automation: Questions to consider

What challenges are you facing?

Organizations around the world are facing debilitating workforce challenges, only magnified by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. From confusing and cumbersome vacation planning methods to difficulties prioritizing shift filling, to critical staffing shortages, the working world is in crisis. Luckily, these are all challenges Andgo specializes in overcoming. Andgo’s customers are empowered to automate and streamline these complicated staffing processes, improving efficiency and allowing scheduling staff to be redeployed to higher-value tasks.

Who benefits most from Andgo?

Andgo is best deployed in organizations with complex staffing/scheduling environments that have high-volume requirements for integrating absence reporting and filling vacant shifts. Our software suite is highly configurable to account for union regulations, seniority, and any other unique organizational structures.

Where will you see the most impact?

Organizations that operate with a staffing/scheduling environment will see tremendous improvements with Andgo. Manual processes (and even fragmented or siloed technology applications) often create bottlenecks, as schedulers lack adequate tools & support to do their jobs effectively.

Why is Andgo the right solution?

Andgo provides significant benefits for employers and employees alike. We’ll dive deeper into the “why” throughout this book, but here’s an overview:

How do I implement Andgo successfully at my organization?

The “T” word – transformation – has become a scary word, but it doesn’t have to be. The reality is, transformation is essential. The healthcare industry is experiencing a crisis and sticking to the status quo is simply not working. Flexibility is the new currency when it comes to the workforce.

Andgo is very outcome-driven; we have developed proven strategies and methods to map quick wins, medium-term gains and long-term value for our customers' laser-focused on their biggest problem areas (KPIs).

Andgo integrates seamlessly with your existing workforce management solution, acting as a natural extension of what you’re already using, not a shiny new tool that will sit on the shelf. Adoption concerns are mitigated, as frontline employees, schedulers, and managers alike are desperate for tools that directly improve their workflow and reduce job-related stress. Further, Andgo doesn’t require a steep technical learning curve; our solution suite is highly intuitive and simple to use.

For a deeper dive into how Andgo can benefit all departments in your organization, check out our new eBook, “The ‘What’s In it For Me?’ Guide to Intelligent Automation”.