Why Leadership Loves Andgo?

1 min read
Nov 21, 2022

Healthcare is an industry that has been at the forefront of significant workforce challenges - in particular, staffing shortages. These challenges have only been magnified in recent years by the pandemic. For the first time in nearly two decades, hospital CEOs ranked staffing challenges as their top concern in 2021. Similarly, voluntary attrition has peaked at 67%; 15% of reporting hospitals indicate critical staffing shortages. But these issues are not just limited to healthcare. Critical labor shortages rage on in countries around the world, spanning industries from manufacturing to hospitality. There is a global demand for a solution to help organizations better access their existing workforces, reduce employee strain, and recruit and retain talent. And that’s where Andgo comes in. 

“The ‘What’s In it For Me?’ Guide to Intelligent Automation” eBook details the countless benefits of Andgo’s product suite for various leadership roles.

  • Finance teams can learn how Andgo can improve both tangible and hidden costs.
  • Human Resource leaders can see the benefits of Andgo for increasing employee satisfaction and retention.
  • Operations teams can find out how Andgo can help improve transparency and communications.
  • Technology & Information teams can discover the benefits of working with Andgo’s Software-as-a-Service model.

By simplifying complex interactions, Andgo facilitates seamless, automated workflows that provide significant benefits across the organization. Download our ebook to learn more about how Andgo benefits your role.

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