
Are You Reaping The Benefits of an Automated Shift Call Out Process?

Written by Andgo Systems | Jul 13, 2023


What’s your process when a member of your team calls out sick? (Or calls in sick / off sick, depending on the terminology used in your area). Pull up the shift details, consult the call list and start endlessly dialing numbers, hoping to find an available employee?

This is a common approach to absence management across a wide range of industries, but it’s both inefficient and resource intensive. Not to mention the valuable time it takes away from staff. On average, it takes 28 minutes for a scheduler to fill a single shift using manual methods, which equates to just 20 shifts filled per scheduler in a given shift.*

In healthcare, high absenteeism rates are especially concerning. As essential workers, understaffing in healthcare poses a significant threat to patient care. It’s imperative that these absences be filled quickly and with the right people. Yet, despite these consequences, many healthcare facilities continue to fill absences with these cumbersome, ineffective methods.

Andgo’s Solution

Andgo’s Smart Call is designed to streamline the shift call out (a.k.a. vacant shift communication) process and manage absence workflows automatically in real-time. Going beyond just shift call outs, Andgo’s Smart Call addresses all tasks in the call out process, from dynamically building call lists, routing communications, bidding and awarding shifts, and monitoring responses. This holistic approach drives more ROI and increases satisfaction for both employees and schedulers. For more details about Smart Call’s automated absence management, check out the video below.


The Outcome

Automating shift call outs greatly reduces the amount of effort required to fill available shifts. Time previously spent dialing phone numbers, listening to ringtones or leaving messages, is instead automated, giving valuable time back for both schedulers and employees.

By automating the process to notify employees of available shifts, healthcare organizations have the unique opportunity to gain operational savings while expanding services to stakeholders. In fact, healthcare organizations that have automated the call-out process with Andgo have seen results such as:

  • 7x faster shift filling times
  • $3.50 saved for every $1 invested
  • 80% reduction in scheduling-related grievances

Curious what the numbers look like for your organization? Find your Savings:

*Time to fill a shift manually takes an average of 28 minutes based off Andgo customer baseline data.